Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Horus Heresy and Night Spinner

Well, still nothing new on the GW site except more Fantasy stuff. I still want to get some pictures of all the stuff I have to do up here, but every night when I get home, something just seems to take my attention from it.

I finished "Legion" over the weekend. I enjoyed it, especially coming off "Descent of Angels". It tells the story of the last legion formed, the Alpha Legion and how they ended up siding with Horus during the rebellion. There is a lot of good fluff in there, but I do want to know who the hell the Cabal is.

Having some time yesterday, I picked up and read "Battle for the Abyss". This one is about the Word Bearers trying to take out the Ultramarines in one fell swoop. It was not the best in the series, but it was an enjoyable and apparently quick read (less than 8 hrs to read).

So it seems some folks have been having some good luck using the new Eldar Night Spinner. They have had great success using it to control the battlefield and the paths that the enemy they are fighting takes. Apparently the difficult and dangeous terrain tests that a hit causes are working out.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Spearhead update!

Nothing new on the 40k front on the Games Workshop website. They are still in their Warhammer Fantasy frenzy (understandably). However, while browsing the 40kOnline forums this morning, I noticed an interesting post about the Spearhead rules. It seems GW snuck in an update to the rules.

The Outrider formation can now, in addition to tanks and walkers, include skimmers. This means that Vypers can be used to escort a tank now in that formation!

Sneaky update, GW...sneaky update... At least post something to let us know!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Warhammer 40k Online?!?!

Please say it's not a joke! A new trailer has come out of E3! Warhammer 40k Online, Dark Millennium! You can view the trailer here on YouTube!

Other than this, it's a pretty quiet day on the 40k front as Warhammer just released it's pre-order for the 8th Edition today.

Monday, June 14, 2010

What's New... and Descent of Angels...

After a busy weekend of yard work and a trip to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, I am back. Nice place the zoo, but sadly, those animals can never be counted on to be visible when you are there to see them. *mutters* Stupid bears...

So on to the post...

On Thursday, the What's New on the Game's Workshop site was an very good post about painting tanks, in particular... Eldar tanks =D.

Friday, there is a nice article on Tank Hunting. Sure some of it seems basic, but it's stuff to remember.

Today's What's New has some great pictures of a custom built Leviathan. This thing is a really impressive piece of conversion work.

Over the weekend, I finished reading Descent of Angels. As it started, I was really enjoying the book, but at the end I found myself really 'blah' about it. I know there is another book that comes after it, but overall I thought this book was just lacking. The end left a lot to be desired, the story did not appeared to just throw things out there with no reason or motive, and the last 1/3rd of the book felt rushed. I hope the follow up to it is better.

Next up is "Legion", I started it Sunday, but fell asleep on the couch as I had spent the morning and early afternoon mowing and raking my yard because the weather was nice.

Tonight I am going to try to get some pictures of my entire Eldar force to post up here and on 40kOnline.com to see if I can get some motivation to work. Should be interesting to take inventory of what I have got again.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Painting Guardians and Support Weapons, Horus Heresy Books

Today's "What's New" on the Games Workshop site has a How-To for painting guardians and the new Eldar Support Platform. Good stuff for me! =) I really do want to have a fully painted army, but damn if I can focus on getting this stuff done like I used to. Here are the images of their painted models.

Enjoyable Reading

So I have also been reading the Horus Heresy book series. I have to say, I am really enjoying it. I started with "Fulgrim" because a co-worker loaned it to me and then he loaned me "A Thousand Sons". I read both of them and I was hooked. I have now bought and read "Horus Rising", "False Gods", "A Galaxy in Flames", "Flight of the Einenstain", and "Mechanicus". I have completely enjoyed them all. The authors are doing a wonderful job capturing the feel of The Great Crusade and the characters involved. The fluff is, of course, always welcome too. Last night I started on "Decent of Angels" and look forward to it as well. I have always enjoyed the Dark Angels' story.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

For you IG Tread Heads!

Monday on the Games Workshop website, they posted a step-by-step assembly of the new Leman Russ Battle Tank. It looks like a really nice model. The sponsons and hull mounted weapons are inter-changable. With a little work, I'm sure the turret mounted cannon (which it comes with four options) could be also.

Today, they have a nice article on painting it. I only wish I could paint half as well and quick as the 'eavy Metal team hehe.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Spearhead & New Eldar Fire Prism / Night Spinner

If you haven't seen it yet, the new Spearhead rules and formations are out! You can find the rules in the June 2010 White Dwarf and the formations here. (Web site registration required!) Looking at the formations, I'm really looking forward to trying a few of them with my Eldar.

Mechanized Assault

Looks very Eldar-ish. Being able to outflank on the first guarenteed has got to put a kink in anyone's general attack plan. One to three Wave Serpents loaded up, maybe mix a Falcon with Fire Dragons in there. Lots of disruption potential in this spearhead


Need to protect that one unit to make sure it survives to fire or deploy its payload? This is the spearhead for that. Protect one vehicle with one or two others. I only hope this one gets ammended to somehow be able to include Vypers (since they are neither tanks nor walkers.

** Update ** Skimmers are now allowed in this formation via a quiet update. Vypers are in...

Seek & Destroy

This could make vypers an attractive option with the ability to move flat out and fire as if they had moved at combat speed. They could cover some real distance and unload a serious payload into something. Might be a one-trick pony though since they are fragile.

With this release, Games Workshop also introduced the plastic multi-part Fire Prism/Night Spinner kit. I picked one of these up on this last Sunday and opened it up to take a look inside. Quick inspection noted that the new Star Engine and Vectored Engine add-ons look like you can either put them on or keep them off. No easy way to make them removable, but I'm going to play with some magnets and clippers and see what I can do.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get some pictures posted of it before assembly, during, and after. Maybe I'll even get around to painting it *sighs* No I still have not finished those Dire Avengers from 2009.