Saturday, April 19, 2008

Being sick sucks...

From Monday evening until today, I've been pretty sick... I got some more work on my guardian squads completed and ordered the magnets for my other stuff. They should be here today. Also, last Monday (14th), I got a $100 Games Workshop gift card for my birthday. Yesterday, I went down and bought a new pinning tool, a squad of Dire Avengers, and a 2nd Fire Prism... mmmm MEQ destruction...

So, yet again, plenty to do as if I didn't have enough already!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Assembly Complete...

This is what 10 Guardian Jetbikes, 2 Vypers and 1 Autarch on a Jetbike look like, ready to prime and paint. They aren't actually glued together fully yet, just mostly assembled that way I can paint them easier. Also I need to order some magnets to use on the Vypers for weapon swapping.

And this guy is going to be interesting to paint, that's for sure.

Friday, April 11, 2008

7 Down, lots to go

So the Windrider Host Apocolypse set comes with 9 guardian jetbikes, 1 autarch on a jetbike and 2 Vypers. I also had 3 unassembled jetbikes from my original battle force set. Currently I now have assembled 7 jetbikes, 3 to go. I am keeping 2 in reserve to convert to a warlock and farseer onto jetbikes.

Once I have my 10 jetbikes, my autarch, 2 vypers and a fire prism assembled, I'm going to base them and try something new... air brushing! Hopefully I don't trash them too bad heh.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ultramarines vs. Necrons, 1250 pts...

So last night, my 13 yr old son and I went down to our local GW Bunker and met up with a friend of mine to play a battle. My son has a good portion of the 2nd Company of Ultramarines, but had lost interest in playing.

We only got 4 turns in on a Cleanse mission, but overall, he did fairly well. He kept the game contested until the end of that 4th turn and then it was time for us to pack up and head home.

It was actually the first time I've played at a GW Bunker in any form and it was fun. Normally we play at various friend's houses with our plywood tables and scenery heh. My friend and I definately decided we were going to have to head down there more often.

As for my son, well he learned some lessons about his army and got some ideas for the next time he plays.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So Here We Go...

And it begins a new... Last night I went out and picked up the WindRider Host for my Eldar army. It's time to start getting stuff done with my army again. I'll post pictures as I finish the models.