Thursday, June 27, 2013

Could it be time to play again?

Well, after about a 2 year hiatus and the release of a new Eldar codex, my interest has been re-kindled.  Enough so that just recently I bought a Crimson Hunter, just to put it together and add to my collection.

I'm feeling the urge to dust off (literally unfortunately) my models and see what I can do to paint them and get them ready.  A simple blue/grey color scheme and use of the line of GW paints should make this fairly straight forward I hope.

I guess we will see where it goes.  I definitely like the new codex.  I will admit I had a couple of "wtf moments" reading it (like Banshees without grenades), but overall I really like it.

I am looking forward to trying new combinations of units and seeing some of my old units (like Dark Reapers) come back on the board.

Time to ease myself back into it...  I hope =)