Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yet another squad ready for painting....

Yeah, so if you look back to my April posts last year, you will see I bought a Dire Avenger squad for my birthday. Well a year and change later, I finally decide to assemble it.

First thing I notice is there are pieces already off the sprue and missing. Odd I thought, and then some vague memories started to surface. I remembered attempting to starting trying to assemble them while I was sick as a dog. I learned something that day, you do not try to assemble plastic Eldar while sick. I got so frusterated trying to put the arms on it, I brought my palm down on it and shattered the model.

So after assembling 9 of the 10 Avengers, I had to figure out what to do about the missing 10th one. Like any good Eldar player, I have way too many Guardians that I will never use. A quick twist of the torso and I had a set of legs to use. Luckily the Dire Avenger sprues come with plenty of extra pieces. So, 1 set of guardian legs, 1 extra exarch loincloth attached behind, and 1 Dire Avenger torso equals a full squad of 10!.

Now to flock em and prime em for painting. The bane of my army....painting

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