Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Eldar vs Armored Company

So, over the Memorial Day weekend, a friend of mine and I played another battle also. We decided on 1250 points. He pulled out his tanks and made up an 8 unit strong armored company. I made an up assault force to try to take them down, as last time we played this combination, the sheer firepower nailed me before I could do any serious damage.

Imperial Armor
2 Basilisks
1 Chimera
5 Leman Russ

Eldar Assault Force
Seer Council on Jetbikes (1 Farseer, 4 Warlocks)
Jetbike Guardians (5)
Fire Dragons in a Waveserpent
2 Vypers with Bright lances
1 Fire Prism

Sister Superior was nice enough to see up the terrain for us and when I rolled for deployment, it was Dawn of War... lucky break for me, long table edges.

I got the first turn and moved in, but couldn't "see" a thing using the night fight rules. Not one shot was "in range". My Guardian Jetbikes paid the price for that as they got shot up... not like they could do a lot anyhow. After that turn though, things looked up. The Fire Dragons got into place, the Seer Council sped up the other side of the board and both started working their way inward destroying armor.

In the end, these two units did all the killing. Between three vehicles with Bright Lances and one Fire Prism, not any of them got even a glancing hit on armor. The Pathfinders managed to shake a tank once.

So... thanks to the Seer Council and Fire Dragons...and long table edge deployment, I left 5 craters and 1 smoldering wreck in the desert sand!

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