Monday, June 1, 2009

Ultramarines vs. Eldar, 750 pts

So the Ultramarines decided they needed to come out and wipe out the Eldar on a soon to be named and designed desert planet! My son and I each whipped up a 750 pt army for a quick Saturday evening battle (9 May 09).

Ultramarine Task Force
HQ - Captain with a Relic Blade
Troops - 2 Tactical Squads with missile launchers and flamers
Elite - Dreadnaught armed with an assault cannon and a missile launcher
Fast Attack - 2 Attack Bikes with heavy bolters
Heavy - Predator with an autocannon

Eldar Assault Force
HQ - Farseer armed with Doom and Guide
Troops - 1 Dire Avenger squad and 1 Storm Guardian squad with 2 flamers
Heavy - Wraithlord with a bright lance and scatter laser, and a squadron of 3 warwalkers all with scatter lasers.

The forces deployed out on to the desert terrain, sand blowing over the hills.

From WH40K

The Eldar task force, knowing it had to work quick moved up fast on the Ultramarines, but keeping the warwalkers in reserve to to try flank them. Seeing the storm guardians and wraithlord running up at them on their left, the marines sent out their assault bikes to deal with them. Speeding at them, the assault bikes picked off some of the slower guardians.

From WH40K

Sadly, the dire avengers having deployed too far back had to slog up to the battle. Meanwhile the storm guardians continued their approach through cover by using a downed thunderhawk to hide behind while the wraithlord started firing its bright lance and scatter laser. Seeing the towering giant shooting must have caused the marines to change tactics, because suddenly all firepower down to bear on him. And due to an excessive sand storm, the warwalkers had to make an appearance on the wrong side of the battle field and work their way over to combat.

From WH40K

The marines, taking a moment to attack the wraithlord, gave the storm guardians a second to breath. They took cover and re-evaluated their options. Meanwhile the dire avengers and warwalkers begin their advance. The walkers, seeing the exposed tactical squad unload into it. The hail of laser fire downed 5 of the battle brothers outright and forced the others to fall back for cover out of the field of battle.

From WH40K

At this point, the storm guardians decided to charge the bikes that had given them so much trouble. Rushing in with the warlock, they managed to kill one of the marine bikers, but he held tough and did not give up the battle. Meanwhile, with the help of their farseer, the dire avengers withstood a hail of fire. Also, while the warwalkers moved up, the Predator damaged one and it had to be left behind.

From WH40K

Missed the picture of turn 5, but you can see the results. The storm guardians continued to hold their own against the assault bike, but then the Captain joined in and it was over for them quick. Not without cost though for the marines. A well timed dire avenger bladestorm and volley from the warwalker scatter lasers eliminated the second marine tactical squad. And previously, a volley of scatter laser fire also found a weak point in the side of the Predator hull and blew it up.

The battle ended on turn 6, with an Eldar victory of 3 KP to 2 KP. My son did great and had fun playing. So win/win!

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